Learn Basic HTML in 7 Days


Learn Basic HTML in 7 Days

Day 1: HTML Basics

Introduce readers to the basics of HTML, including the structure of an HTML document, tags, elements, and attributes. Provide examples of commonly used HTML tags and explain their purpose.

Day 2: Text and Images

Explain how to add text and images to an HTML page. Provide examples of how to use tags such as <h1>, <p>, and <img> to display text and images on a web page.

Day 3: Links

Discuss how to create links in HTML, including internal and external links. Provide examples of how to use the <a> tag to link to other web pages or websites.

Day 4: Lists

Explain how to create lists in HTML, including ordered lists, unordered lists, and definition lists. Provide examples of how to use the <ul>, <ol>, and <dl> tags to create lists.

Day 5: Tables

Discuss how to create tables in HTML, including table elements, table headers, and table data. Provide examples of how to add tables to an HTML page and how to style them using CSS.

Day 6: Forms

How to create HTML forms, including input types, form elements, and form attributes. Examples of commonly used form elements, such as text boxes, radio buttons, and dropdown menus.

Day 7: Resources for Learning HTML

Provide a list of resources for learning HTML, including online tutorials, books, and courses. Encourage readers to continue their learning journey and to practice writing HTML code on their own.


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